I am going to do it! I am going to go 100% Keto for 3 full months. No cheats, no breaks, no excuses!! I am going to be miserable for the first few weeks, maybe the entire first month so I am taking you with me! I do not want to brave it alone. I need you!!!
Some of you may be aware that I switched to Slow Carb in January of 2018. I loved it. I then switched to Keto because I found I was not actually missing the carbs like I thought I would. Mostly pasta and the grains were what I thought would be missed but surprisingly NO! I felt great on the Keto and even purchased a blood ketone meter and a kit that includes a lancet pen and ketone test strips so I could see my levels. It was great, but only lasted for a month and a half! How embarrassing! Things got in the way; events to attend (food!), vacation and just life got busy! Thees are terrible excuses, I know this, I am just using them to feel better. I got lazy and I am not proud of myself.
One thing I did learn in my brief start with Keto is that it is not as tough as you think. Meal planning and grocery visits need to be planned effectively and purchasing some good cookbooks or searching online are also musts. If you have a sweet tooth there is no need to despair, so do I and I have a way of dealing with that! I am going to post awesome recipes, snack ideas and any survival techniques I can come up with. Included in the recipes; obviously because I have a sweet tooth, will be some treats! Very important or I will get miserable. Not fun! I love Suzanne Ryan creator of Keto Karma , this is where I get most of my Ketogenic Diet information. I also have her cookbook and it is wonderful. Dr. Josh Axe recently published the book Keto Diet which I also bought to inspire and further educate myself!
So, here I go. Come with me. Just read along and share my journey. I am going to incorporate fitness ideas and recipes as mentioned above so maybe you will join me on my KETO challenge! A nice supportive message would be lovely and welcome at any time as well, of course!! Who knows, if things go as planned I just may be Keto for life!